HEWI members are delighted that Samantha Dunn, MP, is available to celebrate our 28th AGM. Samantha is our representative (Eastern Metropolitan) on the Legislative Council. Her Greens portfolio includes public transport, planning, local government and forests.
These issues also cover HEWI’s main advocacy focus and many of our meetings and submissions involve state government departments.
We look forward to this ideal opportunity to learn more about Samantha’s experience and her approach to our shared interests.
HEWI welcomes the wider community to join us for this interactive evening and rare opportunity to meet with a state politician on our home ground.
New HEWI memberships and renewals will also be available and encouraged! We strongly encourage any reader interested in the conservation of our natural environment to join our active group at this meeting.
DATE: Friday November 10
TIME:6.45pm for 7.00pm meeting start
VENUE: Youth Hub at the Healesville Living and Learning Centre
1 Badger Creek Road
RSVP would be helpful