“From The Jolly Thing – Walked, Watched and Wondered with HEWI

As advertised in the last edition of TJT, on Saturday 30th May, Jane and Malcolm Calder led a group of appreciative bushwalkers from Tanglefoot car park to Wirrawilla. The walk had been organised by Healesville Environment Watch Inc, (HEWI). Following a cold start, walkers had their attention drawn to the many wonders to be found in the majestic multi-layered Mountain Ash forests, with their understoreys of Blackwood wattles, Myrtles and ferns (and much more).
Evidence of a rarely seen orange-footed snail (Victaphanta) was also found along the way. Afternoon tea was provided on arrival at Wirrawilla, which was welcome in the cool weather conditions. Thank you to Jane and Malcolm for their shared knowledge and insights, and to HEWI for organising the day.

David Allan
