This project for community restoration of a significant waterway has been successfully launched and already promises to become a self-sustaining community venture.
The inaugural meeting for local residents along the Grace Burn was organized by HEWI supported by Matt de Boer, Communities for Platypus Facilitator YRC, and Katie Drummond, Melbourne Water. The numbers attending reached 25% of our targeted properties (letterbox invitation), keen to discuss the erosion problems along their boundaries with this waterway. Katie explained the benefits of Melbourne Water’s Streamside Management Program and the registration process involved.
HEWI has appointed Karen Garth as their facilitator for this 3 year project funded by Yarra Ranges Council and she has already received many more calls from interested neighbours for assistance with their interface problems. Each resident was provided an information bag containing brochures about the Project, Streamside management, HEWI, YR Weeds and Local Plants, dabber bottle and gardening gloves.
HEWI wishes to acknowledge the community grant from Yarra Ranges Council that has allowed us to proceed with this extension of our Grace Burn Project from our volunteer planting and Waterwatch activities along the public land perimeters of this significant waterway.